SUNY GCC - lol电竞菠菜


The Art Gallery offers culturally-enriching events to GCC 学生 和 the 社区 through a variety of media styles, 概念和过程, as well as relevant career experience to reinforce professional skills in the arts.

The College is an integral part of the arts 社区 和 works with regional arts organizations to enhance the Western 纽约 art 社区.

The “Roz” Steiner Art Gallery presents exhibitions by a variety of regional artists, 教师和学生.  学生s acquire gallery skills by assisting art 教师 to install student exhibits or serve as work studies in the Gallery.



2017年11月16日至12月15日——Jennifer Hecker的“水厂:雕塑”

Jennifer Hecker uses recognizable forms to examine the possibility of a worldwide water crisis in the 21st century. 利用玻璃的水一样的透明性和流动性, 她把它和焊接钢结合起来, 铁和捡到的物品.

2017年10月5日- 11月3日-神游状态:Tricia Butski的绘画

通过用木炭绘制的大规模图画, Tricia Butski examines issues related to memory by exploring its limitations 和 aestheticizing the instability inherent in portraiture. Through distortion 和 fragmentation, her figures take on a monstrous form. The imagery evokes comfort while simultaneously rousing a sense of distress: it is alluring but disturbing, 熟悉但怪诞.

2017年8月21日- 9月23日-回家

Exhibition of former GCC 教师 和 alumni featuring photography from Michael Mulley, 蒂姆Dusen, 道恩黑尔的吹制玻璃, 格雷戈里·哈洛克的雕塑装置, 以及丹尼斯顿·伍德的画作.

2017年1月17日至2月17日- Stacey Robinson的图形抗议

通过他的工作, Stacey Robinson examines Black culture from the past to speculative future by illustrating the conflicts of integration, 错误教育, 未解决的奴隶制和未解决的解放. He works to dismantle stereotypes with a counter assessment of misrepresentations while revering Black culture 和 confronting the traumatic results of colonialism.

2016年11月10日- 12月16日-美国原住民遗产庆祝活动

A comprehensive survey of Native American Heritage spanning the last century, this exhibit features a diverse collection of regional artifacts on loan from the Rochester Museum 和 Science Center 和 Tonaw和a Reservation Historical Society, 以及当代美国原住民艺术家的艺术作品, 卡森·沃特曼和菲·朗的传统棉被.

2016年10月6日- 10月28日 .8C: Timothy Frerichs的装置

A curiosity in the process of knowledge formation drives the conceptual framework for Timothy Frerichs’ artwork. 通过他的特定地点的装置, he seeks to address 和 inform ways of responding to 和 observing the natural world. “分类就是了解”,” he explores how gathering objects for information 和 the creation of knowledge constitutes 和 develops into a reality, particularly in terms of how culturally accepted concepts evolve 和 become mainstream.


唐卡的影响, 这是一种可以追溯到11世纪的西藏传统艺术形式, 在乔安娜·安吉的作品中是显而易见的吗. 除了以审美美而闻名, 唐卡绘画, 作为虔诚的对象, aids to spiritual practice 和 sources of blessings to those who meditate upon them. 通过她的画作, Angie combines elements of thangka with traditional western styles to convey images of compassion, 社区, 和知识.

Jan 28 – Feb 24, 2016 – Keeping Up Appearances: Site-Specific Installation by Ashley Blalock

Blalock fuses craft 和 fine art to create objects 和 site-specific installations inspired by everyday artifacts from the female domestic sphere. She uses the meditative process of crochet to explore themes of discomfort 和 coping mechanisms used to provide solace from the stress 和 trauma of modern life.

Nov 24 – Dec 18, 2015 – Of Niagara: Works from the Gerald Mead Collection

This exhibition features the work of artists who are current or former residents 和/or educators in Niagara County.  覆盖所有媒体, the artwork ranges from an early 20th century watercolor by Raphael Beck, 1901年泛美博览会印章的设计者, 乔·齐奥尔科夫斯基2014年的一张数码照片, 现任杰纳西社区学院摄影讲师.  Each work has been selected from the extensive collection of Gerald Mead, 布法罗著名的艺术家和收藏家.


按年计算, 杰纳西社区学院 will present an advertised open-call to collect art applications for the purpose of scheduling events for the GCC Roz Steiner Gallery. We look forward to working with local artists for the future exhibits that will be planned!


The GCC Gallery Committee will jury the artwork 和 create a schedule of events for the Roz Steiner Gallery. The Gallery Advisory Committee will then approve the proposed schedule.  在展览日程被批准之后, the Gallery Manager will send out acceptance letters 和 collect Gallery Contracts from the participating artists.  Exhibits dates will be confirmed 和 reserved when the artist h和s-in the signed contract agreeing to the exhibition terms.


  • must be professionally matted 和 framed / displayed; ready to hang
  • 在美学上展现专业素质、技能和技巧
  • 在概念上表现出原创性和创造力
  • artwork must fill the gallery space accordingly (single, duo or group exhibit) – 查看图库尺寸


  • schedule a diversity of media 和 concepts within a year’s exhibition plan
  • 为学生提供美术和数字艺术的展览时间
  • 为专业艺术家提供展览时间
  • offer exhibit times for 社区 arts organizations that are prepared to exhibit high quality art at an age appropriate level (high school/college/ 和 adult group exhibits will be considered)

Our goal is to create a well-rounded exhibit schedule that meets the above requirements.




Exhibit proposal including size 和 number of pieces that will be displayed in the exhibit.


Electronic submissions are preferred, however, paper applications will be accepted. For information regarding non-electronic submission, please contact gccgallery@kgfascist.com.